The Right One Page 20
“That sounds amazing, but I need to know you're ready for this. I don’t know if this is the right place to make this kind of decision.”
“I don’t care where we are. Wherever I am with you two is home.”
Elliot raised his palm to my left cheek, and I closed my eyes as he ran his thumb across my lips. “I’ve always felt at home with you. Does this mean you’re not scared anymore?”
I nodded, opening my eyes to see his face, full of love for me. “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my whole life.”
We stood, arms around each other’s waists, watching Ruby. She queued with the other children, sliding over and over again. I leaned my head on Elliot’s shoulder.
Everything was perfect.
* * *
“Did you know Maddy’s a musician too? She can play the guitar, but apparently she’s insanely good at the violin.”
“Is that right?” I was miles away, folding laundry that I’d tried in vain to catch up on since we’d gotten home. I wanted Sunday to spend with Elliot and Ruby, and I didn’t want to be distracted.
“Yeah. I thought sometime we could organise a play date for the kids. We can make beautiful music together.”
I stopped, turning my head toward him. “You’d better be talking music music.”
Elliot laughed. “Would I be talking about any other kind? Aside from the fact that I’m crazy in love with you, have you seen Andrew? He’s not exactly small. Logan and him would be a pretty formidable team.”
I grinned, shaking my head at him.
He leaned over, kissing me softly. “Thank you for today. It was so good for Ruby, and good for me.”
“I loved going there with you two.”
“Did you mean what you said about us moving in with you?”
I caught my breath. Ruby slept in the spare room tonight; Elliot would be in my bed with me. I didn’t want them to be anywhere else.
“There is nothing I want more in this world right now,” I said.
This time he kissed me harder, and I dropped whatever I was folding back in the basket to embrace him.
“It’s what I want too. I can still keep an eye on the house from here until it’s sold, and there’ll be no more moving Ruby back and forward.”
I nodded, hugging him tight. He planted a kiss on my neck. “Have I told you just how amazing you are?” he asked.
“I don’t mind hearing it again,” I whispered the words, overcome by him. I don’t think I’d been so happy, so fulfilled in my entire life.
“You love me, and you’ve taken on Ruby without any doubts. At least, that’s what it seems like to me. If you’ve ever had any second thoughts, you’ve never voiced them,” he said.
I let go, holding onto his arms and smiling. His eyes were so full of love, and it would have been so easy to drown in them, and forget to answer.
“I never had any second thoughts. I tried to keep us casual at first because I was so scared of being hurt. But you became everything to me. Ruby was the easiest part of the whole deal. She needed me.”
He wiped tears away that had gathered on my cheeks. “We both need you.”
“I needed both of you. More than I ever realised. I feel whole now, like it was you and Ruby that were missing. Even when I thought I was happy before, it pales to how amazing this feels.”
Elliot wrapped his arms around me again, holding me tight and stroking my hair. He kissed my temple, and I closed my eyes, leaning against him.
“We love you so much, Rebecca. Don’t ever forget that. Let’s go to bed. I think my lady could do with some loving.”
I laughed, nodding and wiping my eyes on his shirt. After all, it was his beautiful words that had made me cry.
Chapter Thirty-One
Elliot sat on the couch, strumming his guitar and singing softly as I came in the door. The aroma of lamb filled the air, my mouth watering at the scent. Maybe he didn’t have to get a job. Maybe he could just look after me for the rest of our lives.
“Dinner smells amazing,” I said.
He looked up at me, the biggest grin on his face that just made me smile.
“We’re celebrating.”
“Celebrating what?”
He leaned the guitar against the couch and stood, moving toward me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “I got a job, babe. It’s not the most money in the world, but once I’ve finished training I’ll get a pay increase.”
“That’s fantastic. I hope it’s doing something you enjoy.”
“I’ll be working with Logan.”
My eyebrows inched up. This was an interesting development.
“I went past the garage and saw a sign wanting help. Didn’t realise that it was his place from the street.”
Shaking my head, I nestled my forehead into his chest. “That’s so cool.”
“He’ll take me on as an apprentice, Becs. Train me up and I can learn the trade. Once I’m qualified I’ll get paid more, but for now it’s enough. And for the moment, I can work school hours so I can take Ruby to school and pick her up, when she starts.”
My heart was swollen with pride, and with love for Logan for taking a chance on Elliot. My man was so determined to do well I just knew he’d be good at anything he set his mind to.
“Just do me a favour?” I asked.
“Don’t you dare come home with any tattoos. Logan has enough for both of you.”
His laughter echoed in his chest. “Are you anti-tattoo?”
I rubbed his arm. “No. I just like your skin the way it is. So creamy and smooth and unblemished.” I lowered my voice. “Pure.”
Elliot kissed the top of my head, chuckling into my hair. “You know you’re creeping me out right now.”
“That was my intention.”
He squeezed me tight. “Okay. No tattoos. For a while at least. Anyway, I made your favourite for dinner, and then I picked up a chocolate cheesecake to celebrate.”
I looked up at him, grinning. He appeared so content and happier than he had done during the past few days. “I’m glad you’re happy,” I said.
“Beats sitting around feeling sorry for myself. Nan is being taken care of, Mum and Dad loved you, Ruby and I are settled. Why be miserable? And I get to learn something new and something that interests me.”
“Does it really interest you?” I hadn’t heard of any great ambition to become a mechanic, and the last thing I wanted was him taking on something he hated.
“I’m good with my hands. I like finding out how things work. I got to the bottom of you after a year or so.”
I shook my head with a laugh. “Didn’t take long then, did it?”
He kissed me, making my toes tingle and my heart race, as it always did.
“I would have waited forever if I’d had to,” he said.
I reached behind me, pulling his hands apart, lowering one to my butt, lifting the other to my breast. “So, umm, how long until dinner? Do you think we have time for—”
“Daddy!” Ruby called out.
Crap. They hadn’t been living with me long, and sometimes I’d forget there were three of us.
“No. But after someone’s bedtime we might be able to find some time.” He waggled his eyebrows, and I laughed as he bent his head and kissed me.
“Love you, Becs,” he whispered.
“Love you too. You better go and find out what your daughter wants.” I squeezed his butt and gave my own eyebrows a little waggle.
He paused in the doorway, wiggled his hips and looked back over his shoulder, winking.
That man.
* * *
The bedroom door flew open with a crash, and I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Ruby stood by the bed.
“Becca.” Her voice cracked as she spoke. Something had upset her.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” I flicked on the bedside lamp.
Her bottom lip wobbled. “I had a bad dream.”
“Oh, sweetie.”
ed I’d thrown on a T-shirt to sleep in, I pulled back the blanket so she could snuggle in beside me. I hugged her close. “You okay?”
She nodded, closing her eyes. Guess she was spending the rest of the night in our bed.
Elliot slung his arm over me in the morning. “Huh?” He sat up, looking past me, and smiled with a nod.
“She had a bad dream.”
“I should have told you. She had a few when we were living with Nan. I just let her jump into bed with me for the rest of the night. She went straight back to sleep without any more issues.”
Ruby snorted, wriggling beside me. I kissed the top of her head, stroking her hair.
“What do you think the bad dreams are about?” I asked.
“She didn’t really tell me. When I stayed with her and her mum she didn’t wake up that I know of. Maybe it has something to do with her missing Toni.”
Just the mention of Ruby's mother's name brought tears to my eyes, and I clung to Ruby even tighter. I’d had my fair share of nights when I’d climbed in with Dad for the comfort of having him there. I understood the loneliness even when there was someone around to be there for you.
“I’m glad she feels comfortable enough with you to hop in beside you,” Elliot whispered.
Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, smelling the sweet scent of blueberry shampoo from Ruby’s hair. I’d spent months working out that I wanted to be serious with Elliot, months deciding to be a grown-up again.
Maybe I needed this little girl as much as she needed me.
I’d move heaven and earth to protect her now. Do whatever it took to take the bad dreams away.
Chapter Thirty-Two
Life with Elliot and Ruby took some getting used to. I had always been up and out of bed, off to the office as early as I could get there. I’d worked to get ahead and impress Dad, worked to take my mind off my own issues.
Now things were better than ever with Dad, and the issues I’d had were a thing of the past. I relaxed, taking my time in the mornings and making sure my family was taken care of before going to work.
I wasn’t alone.
My family.
They’d been living with me for a few weeks. We all had to adjust, Ruby most of all. What an upside-down world she must have been in. Losing her mother, moving in with Elliot and his nan, and now me. At least now, her home wouldn’t change and she would always have us. Of that much I was sure.
I knew what it was like to feel lost. I just wished I could end those bad dreams of hers.
We’d had a week of no bad dreams, though. It was a start, but I was nervous every night when I tucked her in. Every night she slept right through, I felt more settled and hoped she did too. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her.
I woke to Elliot nuzzling my right breast, planting gentle kisses on the skin, rolling his tongue over my … Holy crap that hurt.
“As much as I love you doing that, I need you to stop.” I sighed as I ran my fingers through his hair.
He looked up, his eyes sad with confusion and hurt. “Why?”
“They’re really sore and tender. I’m sorry, babe, must be coming up to that time of the month.”
“Or you’re pregnant.”
The words hung in the air as we locked gazes. Hell it was always a possibility, but not that likely.
I shook my head. “No. I’ll just be pre-menstrual.”
“In the time we've been together, you’ve never pushed me away like that. Have they been that sore before?”
“No, but there’s always a first time for everything.”
His brows lifted, and he pursed his lips in frustration. “You’re ignoring the obvious. We haven’t exactly been strict about contraception since I moved in. It only takes one early morning half-asleep quickie.”
I shrugged. “I don’t feel pregnant.”
“Would it be so bad?”
I smiled, stroking his cheek with my palm, pulling him up for a kiss.
“Probably not. It wasn’t what I had planned.”
His eyebrow snaked up. “What did you have planned?”
“I don’t know. A while with just us before we started a family. I know you joke about it, but I do want children. I’m just not in a hurry yet.”
Elliot sighed. “You really do my head in sometimes. Not in a hurry, but not worried about occasionally skipping the condom.”
“You should know by now I’m that kind of girl. Can’t make up my mind about anything.”
He kissed me softly, stroking my breast but avoiding the nipple. “We have been having a lot of sex.”
I chuckled. “I don’t think it’s the quantity that matters.”
“Just the quality.” Elliot waggled his eyebrows.
“If you need any quality control, I’m your girl,” I whispered.
“Oh, I have lots of quality. But practice is the key to maintaining perfection.”
I laughed, slapping his arm, but deep down, I wondered if he was right.
* * *
“What are you doing?” Olivia called as I ran past her and into the bathroom. “Oh.”
I opened the box and pulled out the test, staring at the ceiling as I pulled the cap off and stuck it under me. At least in a couple of minutes I would be put out of my misery one way or another.
When the deed was done, I slid the cap on the end and placed it on the vanity. I wiped it clean with some toilet tissue and washed my hands, taking back out to where Olivia stood with two cups of coffee in her hands.
“I’d just made one. Thought you might need it.”
She staggered as I hugged her, her arms held out to stop the coffee spilling.
“Rebecca? Are you okay?”
“I don’t know.”
She examined my face as I let go, as if looking for some sign of what was going on.
“Coffee is a great idea,” I said. “I have something I need you to do for me.”
She handed me a cup, and I placed the stick in her hand. Her eyes widened at the sight, and she cocked an eyebrow at me as she sat down on the couch. I sat along with her.
“I wiped it off with tissue, it’s not got wee all over it.”
Olivia laughed, and tilted her head. “I didn’t think you’d give it to me dirty. I’m just curious about you giving it to me at all. Isn’t this something you want to share with Elliot?”
I lifted my hands, lowering them again palm up. “Yes. He’s so insistent that I must be pregnant based on a few things that have happened.” I locked gazes with Olivia. “I’m just so scared of giving him false hope. If I turn up with this and it’s negative, he’ll be gutted. I just didn’t want to do this alone.”
She reached over and squeezed my hand. “Fine. Want me to look at it? It must be enough time now.”
I nodded, my stomach clenching at the thought of finding out the results.
Olivia held up her other hand, and I stared at her, trying to read her expression. She was never very good at hiding the way she felt about things; she had such an honest face.
This time, the look never changed. It was calm, not surprised, shocked, happy, or sad.
“There are two little lines.”
“What the hell does that mean?” I knew what it meant, I just didn’t know if I wanted to believe it.
“You’re pregnant.”
I exhaled, and burst into tears as Olivia looked at me, open-mouthed in horror. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I’m guessing that isn’t what you wanted to hear?” she asked. She dropped the plastic stick on the couch, wrapping her arms around my neck as I sobbed into her shoulder.
“We got carried away a couple of times and didn’t use a condom. But we both decided not to worry about it. Whatever happened, happened. Having Ruby with us made me want a baby of my own, but I didn’t think it’d happen this fast. Elliot was teasing me, and seemed so sure. I was convinced that I knew my own body better than that,” I said between sniffs.
“What matters is that you’re okay
with it. And that you’re ready to talk to him if you’re not.”
She let go and I leaned back to look at her. Her eyes were so sad, and I just knew that big heart of hers would be aching, seeing me like this.
“I’ll be fine. It’s just a shock. I was so sure. Elliot is never, ever going to let me hear the end of this.”
The corners of Olivia’s mouth cracked as they slowly curled into a smile. “He loves you, Rebecca. I’m sure he’ll be over the moon. And I’m sure he’ll support you whatever you want to do.”
Tears flowed down my cheeks as I smiled at my amazing friend.
* * *
Elliot was cooking dinner when I got home, Ruby standing on a dining chair beside him as he chopped vegetables on the kitchen counter to go into the boiling pot on the stove.
“Hey,” I said.
“Becca!” Ruby climbed down from the chair and jumped up and down in front of me.
“Hey, baby,” I said, bending to hug her. She wrapped her little arms around my neck and I groaned as I picked her up.
“You are so big,” I said. “I need to drop you down on the chair.”
She giggled, and I moved to the side of the chair, placing her back.
“How was day-care?” I asked.
“What did you learn today?”
She leaned on the bench. “We read a story, and I got to go on the slide.”
“Did you?”
Ruby nodded.
I moved around the chair, rubbing Elliot’s back. “And what did you do today?”
“I spent some hours in the workshop. Helped Logan pull an engine out of a car. I think he’s glad to have the extra help.”
Kissing his shoulder, I breathed in his smell. I loved this man so much, but I’d have to wait for Ruby to go to bed to tell him the news. Then we could decide when the right time was to tell her. Waiting would be agony.
Elliot picked up the chopping block, sliding the vegetables into the pot. “There, once those are done, we should be good for dinner.” He turned, wiping his hands on the towel, before sliding them around my neck.